The Miniguide holder allows the aid to be attached to canes, walking frames and wheel chairs. The diameter of the cane can range from 12mm to 25mm (half inch to one inch). The angle of the Miniguide can be adjusted by releasing the cam lever.
The first picture shows the holder mounted on a one inch diameter support cane. Note that you can enlarge any image by clicking on it.
The next two pictures shows the holder mounted to a standard cane, ie. a half inch diameter cane. The Miniguide can easily be removed from the holder.
The next picture shows the holder in an extended position. This position may give slightly stronger vibrations via the cane.
The simplest way to attach the holder to the cane is by using two small cable ties. These cable ties are 4.8mm wide (ie. 3/16th inch) and are easier to tighten. Their "stretchiness" help grip the cane.
On smooth surfaces, wrapping a couple of layers of duct tape around the cane first will help reduce slipping.
The cam lever is made of light weight Aluminium and is a quality German product. The force required to lock the lever can be adjusted by making small adjustments to the lock nut (you will need a 10mm spanner).
This picture shows a larger 7.6mm (3/10th inch) cable tie. This size cable tie is very sturdy, but is harder to tighten. A good cable tie gun is required for this size.
A gigantic 12.6mm (half inch) cable tie can be used. Extremely sturdy and neat if you have a very good cable tie gun.
Alternatively, a metal pipe clamp can be used. This is a very sturdy method and doesn't slip. The winged type pipe clamps can be tightened by hand. These clamps can be found in the irrigation section of major hardware stores. The only downside is that the "tongue" of the clamp can protrude and can be a bit sharp.
The holder can even be attached to the rubber handle of the cane. However the rubber tends to neutralise the vibrations from the Miniguide, resulting in much weaker vibrations felt via the handle.
Normally the Miniguide sits to the side of the cane (as shown in the next two photos). Some people have asked if they can have the Miniguide more "in-line" with the cane.
The next two pictures show an alternative arrangement of the pieces of the bracket (basically the lever is swapped to the other side). This arrangement can only be used with the holder in the extended position, but does allow the Miniguide to be more "in-line" with the cane. This may be important in some applications.
The following is a robust, good quality cable tie gun. You have to be careful when using smaller ties with this tool - they can easily be overtensioned and broken. This model is still not big enough to tension the large half inch ties.
A cheaper cable tie gun, but ok for small cable ties.